(55 11) 5561.0836
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Your message translated into native English.

Translations: Portuguese-English / English-Portuguese. In the case of other language pairs, for example, Spanish-Portuguese/Portuguese-Spanish and Spanish-English/English-Spanish we work with top-grade partners, both agencies and professionals.

Also, in the case of public sworn translations, we work with and recommend local long-established professionals and agencies.

Interpreting: participation in small business meetings, such as teleconferences and video conferencing as an interpreter; individual chaperoning for visiting overseas executives at fairs, events, etc., acting as go-between in discussions and presentations.

Fields of activity:

Finance/banking/insurance: Statements of results; balance sheets; audit reports; annual reports; marketing and advertising material; IPO (initial public offering) documents;

Other areas of operation: economics; communication agencies; consulates; chambers of commerce, NGOs; information technology and sustainability.

Business English Consultancy

Tired of English classes about trivialities? You want to talk and talk about business, but your teacher isn't up to it.

Our approach is different, outside the traditional English classes usually available on the Brazilian market.

Finance, the capital markets, economics. Want to use your own material? OK.

Want to follow a business English course book? OK.

Why not combine the two!!

Our focus is on the managerial skills required in the international business environment, namely:

  • Negotiations
  • Presentations
  • Meetings
  • English for the telephone
  • Writing skills: reports, e-mails.


  • individual coaching or in small groups
  • in-company/closed or external seminars.

Consultancy in internationalization (I18n), globalization (G11n) and localization (L10n) – the challenges of globalized markets.

We offer consultancy in matters involving the insertion of small and mid-cap Brazilian companies in the globalized world.

Even in today's world where information travels at the push of a button or the click of a mouse, the question of seeking out new markets requires a lot of preparation and commitment.

Many companies believe it is enough to launch an automated translation of their home page on the Internet in order for them to become internationalized. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Companies need to prepare for the cultural and linguistic challenges involved in the internationalization process. This involves researching the market, the competition and cultural aspects, among others.

But above all, the entire company must commit and be committed to the venture – from the CEO, through the marketing manager and down to finance and dispatch.

Your company's web site is a store window where the whole world can see you and get to know what it is you are offering. So then, ask yourself: are we ready and prepared to show our face in overseas markets?

This and other questions haunt companies looking for opportunities in overseas markets, especially those embarking for the first time. But there is a solution.

For more information on these themes and acronyms, check out our glossary. (link to glossary)

Want to learn more? Contact us: liam@lagtrad.net.br

LAGTRAD - ( Tel/Fax: 55 11 5561 0836 ) Avenida Rouxinol, 404, São Paulo-SP, Brasil
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